A Suburban Illinois Parent Comments On iPads Instead Of Educations For Kids
Steve Sailer’s blog post Finally, Somebody Gets Fired for Something: White Male Head Of LAUSD Forced Out
From: A Suburban Chicago Parent
Having just read Steve Sailer’s "somebody finally got fired" post I noticed the comment about the iPad rollout.
The high school my kids go to in the northwest burbs of Chicago, IL (so Hispanicized that I think of it as "Chicano IL") has done the same thing. Every kid gets an iPad. So far we have found that they have excelled at many things with this project.
Signing up for online scams is one of them. Another is games during school hours as we can see when we check the iPad history. And of course the old reliable porn sites late at night when they are supposedly sleeping. Seems well thought out to me!
By James Fulford writes: Kids quickly defeat the anti-fun software supplied with these devices — see Michelle Malkin’s Common Core and the EduTech Abyss. However, it’s a safe bet that the authorities have put even more effort into blocking sites like VDARE.com.