A Talk Radio Listener Observes The Progress Of Host Buck Sexton: from Never Trump to Never Hillary

By VDARE.com Reader


From: A Talk Radio Listener

Buck Sexton, a Milwaukee talk show host, has manned the Golden EIB microphone the past two days in the absence of Rush Limbaugh. Formerly a strident Ted Cruz supporter who had nothing good to say about Donald Trump, he has morphed into one of the strongest Trump advocates.

In the excerpts to which I listened today, he played excerpts from Trump’s immigration speech and stressed the need for tough standards and screening for legal immigration. He also has been providing details of Clinton’s open borders platform. He denounced some "conservatives" who he said have been tweeting out opposition to Trump’s speech.

Yesterday on his radio show, Sean Hannity said that he could never support failed Republican Presidential candidates in the future if they promised to support the party nominee but do not support Trump. He specifically called out Cruz, playing a recording of a followup question asking whether Cruz would support Donald Trump if he were the nominee and Cruz declaring that he would.

Considering that Goldman Sachs must pay a U.S. Senator’s wife more than $1 million per year, the payoff to Cruz for withholding support from Trump must be astronomical.

See previous letters from the same reader.

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