A Tennessee Reader Reports An Expensive Trial In Nashville
[Previous Letter: A Maryland Reader Asks “Is Romney Ready for the Sailer Strategy?” ]
From: Kit Brewer
Click on Tennessean.com to read about 30 Somalis from Minnesota being charged with sex trafficking in Nashville. It will be the largest Federal Trial in Nashville history and will take forever and cost a fortune. I would almost bet my house that Catholic Charities brought these people to Minnesota.
By James Fulford writes: The article Kit Brewer is talking about is Sex trafficking trial unusual in scope, February 28, 2012. An article in the New English Review reports heavy involvement by Catholic Charities in Nashville area refugee resettlement, with the aid of the federal Office Of Refugee Resettlement, and Your Tax Dollars.[ Muslim Organization in Nashville, Tennessee: An Overview, by Rebecca Bynum and Elizabeth Noble (Jan. 2008)] However, I wouldn’t bet my own house that Lutherans weren’t involved.
This chart gives shows the change in Nashville’s population since 1960.