[Previous Letter: W. James Antle Disputes Paul Kersey On Tim Tebow; Kersey Replies]
Re: An Illinois Reader Describes His Call To Jason Chaffetz’s Office
From: June Venable
I’m amazed and saddened to hear this report on Rep. Chaffetz.[See The Fulford File | Republican Legislators And The US Chamber Of Commerce Collude On Increasing Legal Immigration During Great Recession] Although he isn’t my representative, I've watched this young man since he came to Washington. He impressed me upon his arrival by choosing to sleep in his office to save money. I thought this might carry over to his actions on our nation’s behalf also.
Each time I saw him speak, he seemed to be just the kind of new blood we needed. I am indeed sorry to hear that he’s become just another Washington insider.
Venable is a retired elementary school teacher whose fourth great-grandfather fought in the Revolutionary War when he was fourteen. Read previous letters by June Venable.