A Texas Reader Says Dallas Real Estate Booming — Thanks To George Bush And Cronies

By VDARE.com Reader


02/09/08 — Saturday Forum: Joe Guzzardi on Readers' Reaction to Keep The Faith — McCain (And Amnesty) Will Fail, etc.

From: Roger Chaillet

President Bush will be moving to Dallas once he leaves the White House. But despite Bush’s well-known affinity for Mexicans, he won’t be moving to the brown side of town, West Dallas.

The Bushes have lived in Dallas before in what the Morning News described as "…a modest 3,400-square-foot, single-story structure with a swimming pool and a small guesthouse." That’s an interesting definition of "modest"! [Bush May Move to Dallas After Leaving White House, Dallas Morning News, January 26, 2008]

Take a look at Bush’s neighbors-to-be. They include Juan Hernandez, John McCain’s "Hispanic Outreach Director" and Rob Allyn, public relations consultant to Mexico and Bush crony. Allyn sits on the Board of Directors of Ace Cash Express that makes millions off remittances sent back to Mexico by illegal aliens. Drug dealing, human smuggling, extortion and slave labor generate much of this money.

Bush keeps getting more deeply involved with the Mexican elites. I see Bush campaigning hard for McCain and eventually getting behind his Hispanic nephew George P. Bush’s political career. Interestingly, George P. — a lawyer — also lives and works in Dallas.

We're in for a world of hurt.

Chaillet is the winner of the 2003 VDARE.com War Against Christmas competition. His previous letters are archived here.

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