A Texas Reader Says Immigration Law Enforcement Will Lead To Self-Deportation

By VDARE.com Reader


08/27/07 — A Reader in Spain Fears Immigration Will Take His Country The Way Of The United States

From: Scott Wilson:

Joe Guzzardi’s Blog: Deportation: As Easy As One, Two, Three

According to ABC’s Tulsa, OK affiliate KTUL, 30 percent of Oklahoma’s Hispanics have vacated the state in anticipation of a new law cracking down on illegal immigration. The entire story is here.

Remember Tulsa the next time a journalist or politician says that we simply cannot deport all the 20 million illegal aliens in the US.

A huge proportion of them will self-deport. This is what we've been saying all along. Oklahoma proves it.

We need only to announce the deadline by which time the law will be enforced and then sit back to watch the illegal aliens take off for south of the border.

Wilson lives near Dallas, Texas. He is the author of the dystopian novel, Utopia X and a former Assistant Editor of American Renaissance.

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