A Traditionalist Catholic Wonders If The "Suicide Of The West" Started Earlier Than We Think

By VDARE.com Reader


Re:An Irish Reader Accuses VDARE.com (Again) Of Being Anti-Catholic. We…Protest

From: A Traditionalist Catholic Reader

James Fulford wrote, defending against the charge that VDARE is anti-Catholic, the most thoroughly true statement ever made:

"I’m afraid that [Christopher Jolly] Hale is very much a Religious Left, post-Vatican II Catholic, which means that in 1950’s Catholic terms–which weren’t that different from 1550’s Catholic terms–he’s a Protestant.”
I’m just wondering if you have allowed yourself to grasp the implications of that truth. Vatican II has been a disaster not merely for the Catholic Church but for all cultural and Christian conservatism. If Vatican II, in effect, redirected Catholics to start thinking and acting primarily like Protestants and its chief result has been to refashion them into Protestants, then maybe we need to see the long terms fruits of the Reformation as featuring the very Liberalism that is the ongoing suicide of the West.

By James Fulford writes: I’m not going to condemn the entire Reformation out of hand, but there’s something in this. My guide to the Second Vatican Council, which produced the modern revolution in the Catholic Church, is the work of the late Anne Roche Muggeridge, author of The Gates Of Hell, and The Desolate City: Revolution in the Catholic Church. In The Desolate City, she described a common process of all revolutions:

“Revolution is instigated by the group immediately below the rulers” who are “irritated by exclusion from what they consider their just prerogatives” to rule.

“The first step is to stop obeying while remaining in office as long as possible…At the beginning… radical intent is hidden.”

“Every occasion is exploited” to undermine the government’s authority “by subversion.”

“The revolutionaries’… withdrawal of legitimacy from the government… becomes known to the society at large.”

“The government’s prestige declines rapidly.” It starts making “conciliatory gestures, which the revolution correctly interprets as weakness.”

As the government weakens, “the revolutionaries throw off all pretense,” and they “make clear their separation from the old world view, constantly contrasting the bad old ways with the progressive new ones.”

“Intense propaganda is directed at making the old ideas and disciplines seem outmoded and ridiculous and the new ones inevitable and irresistible.”

Quoted in Revisiting the Desolate City: Some Thoughts on the Current State of the Revolution, by Hilary White, The Remnannt, July 15, 2015

Catholics will recognize the stages that brought the Church from its position of confident faith and strength in the 1950s to today, but something similar has also happened to, for example, America — which was also in a position of confident faith and strength in the 1950s — and isn’t any more.

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