A TX Reader Explains The Italian Anti-Illegal Alien Riots

By VDARE.com Reader


02/18/10 — A CA Reader Notes A Delay In Abel Maldonado’s March To The Governor’s Mansion

From: Roger Chaillet

Re: Brenda Walker’s Blog: Illegal Aliens Riot In Italian Town

To explain what happened regarding the rioting described by Walker in her blog, imagine if thousands of Mexicans invaded a small town in southern West Virginia to take scarce jobs from Americans.

Rosarno, Calabria, the site of the rioting, is located in the southwestern portion of Italy. Because of its remoteness from large urbanized areas, people in Calabria are among the country’s poorest. It is Italy’s Appalachia.

Naturally, it is an area where resentment toward illegal alien labor would logically be at its highest.

Chaillet attended the Italian campus of the University of Dallas located near Rome. In 2004, he won the VDARE.com War Against Christmas competition. Previous letters from Chaillet are archived here.

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