A Virginia Reader Notes The Black Female Judge Who Struck Down A Virginia Constitutional Amendment Is One Of SEVENTEEN Black Females Appointed By Obama

By VDARE.com Reader


A Virginia Reader Notes That The Black Female Judge Who Struck Down A Virginia Constitutional Amendment Is One Of SEVENTEEN Appo

From: Vincent Chiarello

On Thursday, Federal District Court Judge Arenda Wright Allen in Norfolk issued her ukase stating that the Virginia constitutional amendment which defined marriage as only a union between a man and woman, was unconstitutional. By Saturday, Judge Allen was the toast of Democrats and Liberals in the Old Dominion, and The Washington Post.

The federal judge who struck down Virginia’s ban on same-sex marriage Thursday is an appointee of President Obama and in 2011 became the first black woman appointed as a federal District Court judge in Virginia.

Arenda Wright Allen, born in 1960, is a Philadelphia native who spent decades as a government lawyer: first for the Navy’s Judge Advocate General’s Corps, then as a federal prosecutor, and finally as a public defender.

Meet Judge Arenda Wright Allen, who struck down Virginia’s ban on same-sex marriage, February 14, 2014

Allow me a bit of immodesty in claiming that as soon as I saw a photo of Judge Allen, I predicted the outcome of her decision.

As anyone who has read the decision, which even the Washington Post called “sometimes grandiose”, knows, Judge Allen apparently can’t tell the difference between the Declaration of Independence and the US Constitution, saying in her decision that “"Our Constitution declares that “all men” are created equal. Surely this means all of us." [PDF]

And that’s for openers. An examination of Judge Allen’s wizardry will inform the inquirer that she received her legal training at North Carolina Central University, a Historically Black college in Durham, NC.

Americans who care about their Constitution — as well as the Declaration of Independence — will have to confront the fact that President Obama has appointed another 17 black female federal judges who will bring similar wisdom and insight into judicial decision making.

As to the Judge’s judicial guidelines, apparently Judge Allen has but one major legal objective in mind: all of the thorny social issues that will come before her will be decided on the basis of someone’s "civil rights.” For her, “the struggle” becomes the paramount point of legal reference; the 10th Amendment and the idea of State Sovereignty will never enter the picture.

Chiarello is a retired Foreign Service Officer whose tours included U.S. embassies in Latin America and Europe. See Vincent Chiarello’s previous letters to VDARE.com.

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