02/08/11 — A Reader Muses on Guilt By Association
From: Brian Riordan
A Texas school board plans indoctrinating American students in Arabic "culture" Mansfield ISD will re-tool Arabic culture curriculum, WFAA.com, February 7, 2011.
No doubt the following classes need to be included:
Riordan, while living in New Mexico, learned about Mexico’s corruption and does not want it to "dominate our country." He is married to a legal immigrant who is "a proud American." His previous letters are archived here.
James Fulford writes: I was going to write "He’s joking about the camels," but I reread the article, and no, he isn’t. He is joking about the curriculum — the actual curriculum will say that Muslims are loyal Americans, nice to their wives, (who happen to like wearing those mask things) study the Koran like Americans study the Bible, and eat falafel.
I wish I were joking.