A West Coast Reader Suggests Prosecuting Oakland Sanctuary Mayor Libby Schaaf

By VDARE.com Reader


From: A West Coast Reader

A headline for a recent article in the Los Angeles Times claims that Oakland Mayor Libby Schaaf is "having a moment" — though the headline for the print edition purred "Meet The Mayor Who Dared Take On The President". [Oakland Mayor Libby Schaaf is having a moment. But will a war with Trump help or hurt the city?, By Mark Z. Barabak, LA Times, March 19, 2018]It’s as if you were introducing your prospective daughter-in-law-to the relatives, or as if she was the next glamorous star of The Bachelorette, when in fact a more likely reality show for the gang look-out mayor would be something like “The Radical Misfits Of The Fun House Fringe.”

The article itself is fawning and solidifies the LA Times’s long earned anti-American bona fides. It contains the clichéd visit to the Islamic Center and some wholesome vignettes from Ms. Schaaf’s childhood — a description of her as a "scrappy localist", the wearing of a sandwich board for a good liberal cause, and a stint as Raggedy Ann at a local amusement park.

She’s totally All American with shades of Norman Rockwell, if, that is, Norman Rockwell had been dead set on undermining the American way of life. For in truth, Schaaf now the most famous advocate of sedition in the country is in danger of becoming a strange mixture of Bull Connor and George Wallace: Sanctuary Today, Sanctuary Tomorrow, Sanctuary Forever. Time to give her a real moment — a moment to gather her things as she readies herself for the transition from the Fun House to the Big House via Federal prosecution.

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