Re: Steve Sailer’s blog items "It’s Not Who We Are as a Nation" and The "Not Who We Are" Cliché
From: A West Texas Reader
Looking at the painting (above) which is above the title in the Boyd Cathey article America’s "Blood And Soil" Identity And Conservatism’s Great Brain Robbery, the homesteading pioneers driving a "Conestoga Wagon" are, I believe "Who We Are".
I found the name of the artist of that beautiful painting. It is: a painting completed in 1883 by Newbold Hough Trotter (1827-1898), that hangs in the State Museum of Pennsylvania. The painting itself appears to remain un-named.
Generations of my ancestors would have used this style wagon as they moved westward from Massachusetts and from Virginia. Branches of the family tree go to both colonies and converge in Kansas.