A West Texas Reader Calls For The Revival Of Washington’s Birthday

By VDARE.com Reader


Allan Wall’s blog post Minnesota School Scrapping Valentine’s Day and All Other “Dominant Holidays”,

From: A West Texas Reader

Allan Wall’s blog post made me recall another abolished formerly "Dominant Holiday".

Little mention anywhere this year of George Washington’s Birthday.

This is a tragedy of errors.

The National Archives website claims, "Contrary to popular belief, neither Congress nor the President has ever stipulated that the name of the holiday observed as Washington’s Birthday be changed to "President’s Day.""

History.com states the 1968 Uniform Monday Holiday Act and its mixed motives brought this about. It was a way to create three-day weekends — and — increase retail sales. That bill’s major sponsor, a senator from Illinois, wanted Lincoln to get equal billing with Washington. President Nixon wrote an executive order in 1971 to officially move George Washington’s Birthday observance from February 22 to the third Monday of February. The generic name “President’s Day” gradually took over, somehow.

We don’t have to go along.

We can re-focus the day back to the man who deserves it.

A web search of GW birthday celebrations found only a few celebrations in obvious places like Alexandria, VA — and some surprises like the Rio Grande border town Laredo, Texas.

Any family could have fun activities for children to teach the virtues of our indispensable Founding Father.

One very good book: The Real George Washington, by Parry and Allison. I plan on giving these to our local school libraries.

Patriot moms could hold "educational" parties focused on GW’s birthday for their child’s grade school class or in homes. Use a kid’s party, cake, fun and games, to imprint the youngsters with a fondness for the American Nation’s indispensable Founder.

It is up to us to teach and raise up the next generation of Americans.

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