A West Texas Reader Is Enraged To Find The United States Census Taking Advice From MALDEF

By VDARE.com Reader


From: A West Texas Reader

Went to the website of the US Census bureau to look up some data.

Found this proudly hyped announcement. Just. Got. Angry.

MALDEF Joins Census Bureau’s National Advisory Committee

MAY 26, 2016 — The Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund is the newest member organization on the U.S. Census Bureau’s National Advisory Committee on Racial, Ethnic and Other Populations. The committee was established in accordance with the provisions of the Federal Advisory Committee Act (FACA).

The National Advisory Committee advises the director of the Census Bureau on topics such as hard-to-count populations, race and ethnicity, language, and aging populations, as well as privacy and confidentiality. These areas affect the cost, accuracy and implementation of the Census Bureau’s programs and surveys, including the once-a-decade census. The committee, which is comprised of 32 members from multiple disciplines from around the nation, will hold a meeting May 26-27 to address counting hard-to-reach groups, tribal enrollment and plans for the 2020 Census program.

“We are excited to add such an array of expertise to this committee,” Census Bureau Director John H. Thompson said. “These are leading voices in the community that will help us ensure that the Census Bureau continues to provide relevant and timely statistics in an increasingly technologically oriented society.” [More]

January 2017, please arrive quickly.


See previous letters from the same reader.

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