
A White Male Reader Says The Laws Are Stacked Against Self Defenders, Especially If They’re White

By VDARE.com Reader


Re: Eugene Gant’s blog item Why Can’t White Men Defend Their Women From Black Men? Is It Fear Of Hate Crime Prosecution?

From: An Anonymous White Male

On the VDARE.com blog Eugene Gant wrote this:

A white woman with a black eye.

The answer to my question is this: Feminists and “anti-racists” have emasculated the American white man. He fears defending his women in general, and he fears defending them against black predators in particular — I suspect that most of the Hug Thug’s victims are white — partly because he fears being called a “racist.” That would be much worse than being called a coward.

I suggest there’s even more to it. I’m reading Andrew Branca’s The Law of Self Defense, 3rd ed. and frankly, it’s a wonder every white man who ever dared defend himself hasn’t gotten "Zimmerman'd."

State laws vary far more widely than I had realized, but the median state-level treatment of people is such that if you don’t have a badge on your chest you almost have to have already sustained a non-survivable wound to insure you won’t be prosecuted if you act, for all practical purposes, like a man.

I never realized the degree to which our feminized legal code had already followed the example of our English and Australian cousins. To me, if a man is attempting to, unprovoked, strike me or mine, I should do the world a favor and shoot him.


In fact, this would get me sent to prison essentially everywhere. There is never a reason for a man to attempt to strike me unprovoked. NEVER. Yet because I’m a big, strong man the law assumes I should duke it out with whoever attacks me or my wife, mano a mano, despite the fact that a single punch can yield death or disability.

I've been sucker-punched. The guy who did it should have been crippled or shot, as I see it. He could easily have killed me. And even if I’m engaged in hand to hand combat, I could be adjudged as going "too far" if some dispassionate Monday-morning quarterback notes that I hit too hard or once too often, assuming I win the donnybrook.

Yes, being tarred a racist is dangerous ground unless one has already achieved financial independence. But the stupid, decivilizing laws now on the books belie the top-line window-dressing of widespread shall-issue CCW laws. If most people only knew the jeopardy they court should they ever be placed in George Zimmerman’s shoes … .

Had that Hug Thug clown struck my wife I’m sure I'd be in jail. My wife could coat him with pepper spray but I might get brought up on charges for doing it. Add me beating him and the odds favor almost certain assault charges.

Our laws are messed up — and stacked against whites.

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