An Alamance County Reader Reports Local Illegals Are Worried About Deportation
03/17/07 — Peter Laufer Writes On His March 27 Duke U. Debate with Peter Brimelow
From: A Reader In Alamance County, NC
My county (Alamance County, North Carolina) now has its large illegal-alien population scared it will face deportation from minor police contacts as a result of the scheduled soon opening of a new contracted county jail with INS deputization of local deputy sheriffs. I think it will scare many of the local illegals — among whom their very efficient grapevine already has the word out — into leaving for nearby liberal areas whose police promise not to touch them.
From today’s Greensboro News & Record:
Bigger jail and deportation hub worry Latinos By Lorraine Ahearn Sunday, March 18, 2007
The phone started ringing Thursday morning at Que Pasa, the Hispanic radio station in Winston-Salem, and immigrant advocates in Greensboro meanwhile fielded a dozen or more calls echoing the same question:
What’s up in Alamance County?
About 25 police officers from several surrounding jurisdictions had set up a staging point in Burlington. Was it a dragnet? A sweep? A license check for undocumented immigrants?
Well, it was none of the above, but instead, routine certification in the use of radar guns. And though a false alarm, the incident demonstrated how wary many Latinos are becoming in Alamance County.
The reason? On April 1, Alamance opens its new 240-bed jail, which will double the county’s prisoner capacity to a total of 486 beds. More significant, perhaps, is a new 10-officer unit, giving the Alamance Sheriff’s Department the cross-sworn authority of Immigrations and Customs Enforcement.