An Alaskan Patriot Explains Why He Still Supports Trump
Re: Ann Coulter’s article Ann Coulter: Media Holding Casting Call For Another Anita Hill
From: Ryan Kennedy
NRO put this out:
Donald Trump’s Surrogates Continue to Defend the IndefensibleThat was after the tape of the private conversation, but before the latest round of accusations Ann Coulter Heather Wilhelm October 13, 2016
Their response to the Access Hollywood tape should surprise exactly no one.
Here’s what I’d say to NRO: it’s true, there is much, MUCH I don’t like about Trump.
I recognize that. But you don’t recognize me. When Trump said he was serious about shutting down open immigration and saving the home I grew up in and preventing it becoming a third-world hell hole. That’s all I needed to hear. Do you get it Conservatism, Inc?
Ryan Kennedy has been writing us letters from Alaska for at least ten years.