An Arizona Patriot Calls Grijalva’s Office; Gets Hung Up On!
05/01/10 — Saturday Forum: A California Reader Says Arizona Hispanics Must Comply With SB 1070; etc.
From: Alexander Kellner
Re: Peter Brimelow’s Appeal: Help Resist Grijalva’s Reconquista
As a Tucson resident, my Congressman is Raul Grijalva.
I phoned Grijalva’s office to protest his disgraceful condemnation of S.B. 1070 and his demand to boycott Arizona which would merely hurt the state’s already struggling citizens.
Once the purpose of my call became apparent, Grijalva’s staffer hung up on me.
My family has lived and worked in Arizona since it became a state in 1912. Yet we are no longer allowed to exercise our First Amendment right to express dissent.
America is in grave trouble.
Kellner is a small businessman.