06/05/07 — A Texas Reader Reminds Us Of The Brutal Murder of 9-Year-Old Jordin Paulder
From: [Name Withheld]
Re: Don Collins' Column: Democrat Sees MSM Open Borders Editorial Policy Also Affecting Their Reporting
The MSM always writes about the polls that favor amnesty but never publishes any of those that say the opposite.
Right now Senator Jon Kyl would do anything to make himself look good since the Arizona group Mothers Against Illegal Aliens has started a recall for him and John McCain.
I can promise the ire has not gone away. When I tried to call Kyl’s office before Memorial Day break, his lines were busy. When I finally got through I was passed on to leave a message — but his mailbox was full. This did not happen one or twice but for the majority of a week.
On the other hand, the toll free number set up by the Coalition for Comprehensive Immigration Reform (e-mail CCIR ) that the pro-amnesty side has been using to tie up the phone lines gets directly to Kyl’s office without having to go through the switchboard.
Everyone I talk to is furious that our government will not secure our border, enforce our current laws, stop granting birthright citizenship to anyone dropped on our soil.