Re: Peter Brimelow’s article If "Comprehensive Immigration Reform" Is So Popular, Why Won’t They Say It’s Amnesty + Immigration Surge?
From: "Upstate Attorney"
I enjoy your website. I give my mite when asked. I have purchased a book through Amazon, and intend to continue to do so in the future. I share many of the articles, and I mention it to everyone I encounter who possibly sympathetic. However, I will not share or recommend an article that contains a gratuitous insult to my profession.[VDARE.com note: Peter Brimelow’s WND piece starts "The famous joke says that you can always tell when a lawyer is lying — his lips move."]
Keep in mind that lawyers are a large portion of the politically aware and politically active segment of the population. Medical people, engineers and salespeople are oblivious to politics. Businessmen are fixated on the bottom line. Young people who are interested in politics and current events study Poli Sci, and Poli Sci graduates end up going to law school unless they can find a job as a social studies teacher, and few do.
I once held similar views, but a pre-law school stint in the Manhattan D.A.’s office at the height of the crime wave ended that. The folks there were bright, good people doing important work. There are a lot of lawyers who are bright, good people.
Why gratuitously alienate?
By Peter Brimelow writes: I don’t like to give offense unintentionally, particularly with a throwaway quip. And I don’t think I’m any nicer about journalists (although of course that’s not a profession at all, it’s a trade).
However, I must also acknowledge that I am very much embittered by the experiences of two people close to me with their divorce and tax lawyers respectively. I can only compare their experiences to being in business with the Sopranos, and in both cases it has come close to ruining their lives.
But perhaps these are exceptions that prove the rule. I know that Jared Taylor, who has spent much of his life in courtrooms as an interpreter has a much higher opinion of lawyers and judges.