
An Illinois Engineer Notes Another Job Category That Requires An H-1B Visa — Football Coaches!!!

By VDARE.com Reader


09/06/08 — Saturday Forum: A California Journalism Student Says Don’t Expect Anything From The Mainstream Media; etc.

From: Bob Johnson

What’s next?

One of the Austin Peay State University football coaches must return to Canada because his H-1B visa expired.

Assistant coach Granville Eastman joined the team in 2003 after a four-year stint at Tiffin (Ohio) University. [Govs' Eastman Employment with APSU Football Team Over, by James D. Horne, Leaf Chronicle, September 4, 2008]

Apparently. Eastman has been in the U.S. coaching football on an H-1B visa since 1999.

Football coach — and only an assistant, at that — is a crucial job with no Americans available to fill it?

What about all the NCAA Division I teams whose players do not go on to the NFL?

And out of the hundreds of NFL players who are cut every fall before the season begins, none could is qualified to coach at Austin Peay?

This is just another exploitation of the already over-abused H-1B visa policy.

Johnson contributes articles to a professional Internet newsletter. His previous letter to VDARE.com about Joe Biden and the H-1B visa is here.

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