An Illinois Reader Notes John McCain’s Family Ties To A Reconquista

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09/11/08 — An African-American Reader Offers His Experience As A "Community Organizer" — And His Views On John McCain

From: Dawn Mueller:

I closely followed the Republican National Convention on CSPAN.

As if having Juan Hernandez on McCain’s advisory team isn’t bad enough for us, a new concern has arisen!

McCain has closer ties to La Raza and Raza Development Fund than I even I had been aware.

Tom "Tommy" Espinoza, the president and CEO of Raza Development and a long time friend of John and Cindy McCain, stated in his convention speech that he is the godfather of one of their children.

According to the RNC website, Espinoza’s biography identifies him as President/CEO of the Raza Development Fund, Inc.

A list of its investors and funders — a group of traitors if ever there were one — is here.

The RNC elaborates:

"The Raza Development Fund, Inc. ("RDF") is a support corporation of the National Council of La Raza, ("NCLR"), and was established in 1998 as the community development lending arm for NCLR. The mission of RDF’s Hope Fund is to provide flexible but high-quality loans, along with technical assistance, to entities that provide services and opportunities to low-income Latino families, and is consistent and complimentary to the mission of NCLR, which is to reduce poverty and discrimination while improving life opportunities for Latinos."

In his speech, Espinoza says:

"I first met John and Cindy McCain 25 years ago … We've built a deep friendship, and I’m honored to be the godfather to John and Cindy’s son … Jimmie."

This means that McCain has been in bed with a reconquista since he was in the U.S. House of Representatives.

Worse, McCain has such an affinity for Espinoza — and by extension his agenda — that he made him his son’s godfather, an enormous honor.

Mueller, who edits the Citizen Security Newsletter(sign up to receive it by emailing her) wrote to previously about the failed socialist marches in Chicago on May Day. Read it here.

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