An Iowa Reader Tells Postville’s Side Of The Immigration Raids — Since The MSM Won’t

By Reader


05/13/08 — A Virginia Reader Decries Malkin’s "Invective" Against Jimmy Carter, Prefers Paul Craig Roberts

From: "Dubuque Observer"

Yesterday’s apprehension by federal authorities of illegal immigrants using false Social Security numbers and stolen identities at a kosher meat-processing plant in Postville, Iowa, brought with it interesting regional news coverage. [Immigration Hearings Begin in Waterloo, By Jennifer Jacobs and Jerry Perkins, Des Moines Register, May 14, 2008]

Descriptions by television and print reporters rarely included the word "illegal" and placed most attention on "immigrant" instead. A few reporters referred to "hysteria" that more raids in more Iowa locations would follow.

The Roman Catholic Archbishop Jerome Hanus, whose Dubuque archdiocese covers Iowa’s northeastern corner, lamented the manner in which the raid was conducted, claiming that: "weakest among us are bearing the brunt of the suffering."

Hanus wants "comprehensive immigration reform." [Davenport Diocese Mobilizes to Help Postville Community After Immigration Raid, Deirdre Cox Baker, Quad-City Times, May 14, 2008]

The various staff members (apparently Roman Catholics don’t have priests run parishes anymore) at Postville’s St. Bridget’s Catholic Church expressed compassionate views spurred on with the eager assistance of the media.[Anxiety High Inside Postville Church, By Adam Betz, The Gazette, May 13, 2008]

Postville’s residents are descended from its original settlers and are largely of German Lutheran, Irish Catholic and Norwegian backgrounds. Most are unhappy with the illegal immigration invasion. It has cost many their jobs and has dramatically altered their ways of life.

If one can obtain past print issues of the local newspapers (remember these are small towns where everything is news), they will reveal the car accidents of uninsured and unlicensed drivers, crimes of drunkenness, theft, births out of wedlock, etc.

For anyone looking for it, historical documentation for why illegal immigrants in a small Iowa town became unwelcome is available.

For those who work at any of Iowa’s large daily papers, television stations or public radio that information is readily at hand. But no one in the media had the interest to look

The people of Postville need a website that gives them the opportunity to report how "diversity" foisted upon them by illegal aliens and their advocates have turned their life and their town upside down.

Joe Guzzardi adds: A review of reader comments on the Des Moines Register story, cited in the first paragraph, confirms the letter writer’s opinion that most local residents support the raids and find the reporting shoddy and biased.

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