An Irish-American Catholic Says His Church Must Abandon Its Open Borders Advocacy

By Reader


04/03/10 — A Roman Catholic Reader Offers An Easter Prayer

From: Marty O'Dea

Re: Joe Guzzardi’s Column: On Easter 2010: My Return To The Catholic Church Stalls

To save itself, the Roman Catholic Church must abandon its ceaseless campaign for open borders and amnesty.

If it dropped immigration advocacy immediately, the church might deflect some of the growing criticism about how it has handled the endless series of sexual abuse revelations.

Catholicism is in such crisis that even the Irish are abandoning it.

According to a recent story about Irish Catholics:

"Church attendance is on the wane, with only a handful of people now come forward each year to train as priests or nuns — this in a country which for decades sent thousands of religious abroad.

"In the archdiocese of Dublin, there will soon be barely enough to have one priest for each of its 199 parishes. Clerical presence is not only contracting but ageing: in Dublin there are now ten times more priests over 70 than under 40." [Irish Church Has Suffered a Dramatic Fall from Grace, by David McKittrick, The Independent, November 26, 2009]

How much worse can it get for Roman Catholics?

O' Dea lives in Dallas. His previous letter outlining why he supports patriotic immigration reform is here.

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