[See Banned by Free Republic? By Steve Sailer for an earlier instance of Freeper censorship.]
Today I tried to post the Sam Francis article The Anthrax Attackers: "Hate Groups"? — Or (Shh!) Immigrants? on Free Republic and got a 7 day suspension with the following message: "7 day suspension. You know better than to post VDARE."
In an effort to educate my fellow 'conservatives', I have posted quite a few VDARE.com articles on FR and know that Sam Francis articles often tend to offend Jim Robinson’s delicate sensibilities and get deleted quickly. But I thought this article was one of Francis’s tamer products. This is the first time I have been banned from posting.
I promptly wrote them a nasty gram and asked how I was supposed to "know better than to post VDARE" since VDARE is not specifically mentioned in their posting guidelines. I also told them that if they are going to equate being anti-mass immigration with being racist then they might as well be honest and call Free Republic the Premier Liberal News Forum.
If you frequent Free Republic, you will know that it has received a lot of (well-deserved) criticism lately from the members for wanton censorship. (Anti-immigration articles are quickly deleted.) If Free Republic claims to be the Premier Conservative Forum, then it should, above all websites, have the guts to stand by the principles of Free Speech instead of caving in to the tyranny of multicultural BS that is so prevalent today. Unfortunately, it has degenerated into another politically-correct website. The one reason that conservative/libertarian websites do well and liberal sites do not is that they offer a point of view that people are craving to read and don’t get from the mass media.
VDARE is a great website! Keep up the good work.
VDARE comment: Many are called but few are chosen. A whole generation of "conservatives" just aren’t going to make the cut caused by the emergence of new issues like immigration and the National Question. We've just concluded that Jim Robinson is a fool — beside being a thief of copyright material, which will cause FR to be shut down any day.
November 26, 2001