Former Floridian Says Nullification Won’t Stop State, Local Corruption Blocking Immigration Reform

By Reader


02/12/11 — A (Former) DC Resident Says That Diversity Has Not Just Come To Montgomery County, It’s Been Sent For

From: "Fled from Florida"

RE: A (Former) DC Resident Says That Diversity Has Not Just Come To Montgomery County, It’s Been Sent For and Chuck Baldwin’s column SState Nullification: Requisite To Freedom

Having lived in "progressive" Florida for many years, I was quite familiar with the zoning laws of local and state government that "A (Former) DC Resident" referred to in his Saturday letter. And the corruption found there is evidence that local and state nullification is a pipe-dream, despite the best hopes of patriots like Chuck Baldwin.

What particularly caught my attention was the Wikipedia quote:

"Developers who provide for more than the minimum amount of MPDUs are rewarded with permission to increase the density of their developments, which allows them to build more housing and generate more revenue."

The state and local zoning laws were enacted to specifically prevent population density increases — specifically the Single Family Residential tiers (typically R-1-A through R-1-AAAA) and Multi-Family Residential zones with low and medium density restrictions (usually 0-6 units/acre or 6-12). But despite the overwhelming sentiment from the public to restrict high density residential areas, developers are allowed and encouraged to build these affordable housing units with up to 24 or even 36 units per acre! It’s also a foregone conclusion that the affordable units will go to minorities, particularly illegal migrant workers. (I knew firsthand of several cases where Caucasians were denied their affordable housing status, despite being financially qualified. Well, so much for mathematical indifference).

The truly sad part: a developer who may want to develop a property at a much lower density (larger units with more acreage per unit), with, say, a rural or suburban flavor, simply cannot because it’s no longer feasible; because the affordable housing incentives attached to the ultra high density "overlays" artificially skyrocket the value of the property. The overload which is then placed on local infrastructure (roads, intersections, even grocery stores) soon becomes nearly intolerable.

"Fled From Florida" previously wrote a letter noting That It’s Not Minorities Who Are Hardest Hit By Tuition, Rent Increases — It’s The Unsubsidized Majority

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