Jared Taylor Writes On State Crime Levels
[Previous Letter: A San Francisco Reader Wants To Know Where She Can Get Ron Paul’s Famous Letters]
Re: Paul Gottfried’s article Libertarian Steve Chapman: Mississippi Has More Crime Than Vermont Because Of Excessive Bible Reading!
From: Jared Taylor [Email him]
All the information you need on state levels of crime is at this website:
Click on the state in the right-hand column, and scroll down, and you will find crime rates per 100,000 population as well as rankings like the following (high numbers mean lower crime rates).[DisasterCenter.com uses a system in which “1 = the highest reported crime rate and 51 = the lowest”.]
I have chosen these states because they are overwhelmingly white. I don’t know where Chapman manages to find crime rates only for whites in certain states. I suspect that any figures he finds for "whites" also include Hispanics.
FYI, West Virginia in 2010 had per 100,000 rates for the following crimes:
Murder: 3.3, Rape 19.1, Robbery 44.7
For Vermont:
Murder: 1.1, Rape 21.1, Robbery 11.8
For Maine:
Murder: 1.8, Rape: 29.3, Robbery: 31.2.
In West Virginia there is not much rape but more murder per capita than in Vermont or Maine.
Jared Taylor is editor of American Renaissance, which is holding a conference on March 16-18 this year near Nashville, Tennessee.