From: Linda Thom
The "talk" should be black parents telling black teens to beware of surly black males. Ditto Latinos. [See Trayvon Martin and ‘the Talk’ Black Parents Have With Their Teenage Sons, By KJ Dell'Antonia, March 26, 2012 and The Talk: Nonblack Version by John Derbyshire.]
As I said in my article on the Trayvon Martin/George Zimmerman case, usually blacks murder blacks. Whites did not commit this mass murder in Auburn. Whites kill their own.
The incontrovertible facts are the deaths by homicide data from the National Center for Health Statistics. How can anyone argue with dead bodies?
Blacks overwhelming die by homicide as compared to whites. The young males murder one another and when they are not murdering one another, they are murdering the women and children in their lives, especially the children of their "girlfriends".
Where are blacks telling their children to beware of dangerous looking people, especially blacks?
Linda Thom is a retiree and refugee from California, now living in Washington State. She formerly worked as an officer for a major bank and as a budget analyst for the County Administrator of Santa Barbara.