From: Joe Guzzardi
Since January, the volume of mail we receive at VDARE.com has doubled!
Most of this increase is attributable to the distressing results of the primaries and caucuses that will leave us with no good choice in the November presidential election. The balance reflects your continuing outrage about the Bush Administration’s failure to enforce immigration law.
We're grateful for the time you take to write us. I read every letter and make a serious effort to reply to all the mail, including the abusive ones. I’m sure that I’m not 100 percent successful — but it isn’t for lack of trying.
Unfortunately, we cannot post all the letters we receive — even the good ones.
Please be patient if you haven’t seen yours; just because several days, weeks or even months have passed, that doesn’t mean your letter won’t eventually appear. I have a folder labeled "November Letters" that I’m still occasionally dipping into!
During my long illness last year, some of your letters might have drifted to the bottom of the stack where they may inadvertently remain.
Feel free to inquire as to the status of any letter you've submitted. I try to give readers a heads-up as to when theirs might appear. But again, I doubt if I’m completely successful at that either.
I have a few suggestions on how you can help get to the top of the pile.
Your letters are widely read. Both the Today’s Letters and the Saturday Forum are among the most popular features of VDARE.com
Thank you all very much for participating.
And on to what you have to say this week!
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From: Ronald Vertrees
For twenty years I owned and operated a business in Denver.
I made my payments to the IRS over the counter at its local office because they would stamp "Received with payment" on a copy of my submissions.
In the early years I often stood in line with CPAs who were there for the same reason.
But in the late 1990s, I noticed that the waiting area was filled with Hispanics, presumably getting their Individual Tax Payer Identification Numbers (ITINS)
By then the IRS had posted signs designating one service window as "English" and the other "Spanish." There was a system of issuing numbers to customers with separate numbering according to the English or Spanish window.
On one visit I noticed that the "English" window was temporarily closed and the number issued to me indicated I would have a long wait so I asked for a "Spanish number."
When my turn came, I stepped to the window but the Hispanic clerk there refused to serve me. To this I protested in Spanish (which I had learned living in Latin America). Her response was to call the guard who threatened to arrest me for making a disturbance.
Prompt courteous service at the Spanish window was not for Spanish-speakers — but for those of Hispanic ethnicity.
Vertrees, who was a customhouse broker, says that he never turned to that office and left Denver shortly after the incident. Upon his arrival in Maryland, Vertrees reports that he "became a VDARE.com contributor" because we shared his "special interest" in border control.
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From: David Rogers
In a recent Washington Post story about how shocked Hillary Clinton’s camp is that black voters have abandoned her in favor of Barack Obama, I note this quote from former San Francisco Mayor and long time Speaker of the California Assembly Willie Brown. [Obama Wave Stuns Clintons Black Supporters, By Kevin Merida, Washington Post, February 19, 2008]
Commenting that Obama’s status is like nothing ever before seen in the black community, Brown said:
"It’s like Michael Jordan and Dr. J. wrapped into one, playing basketball by themselves. I think most white politicians do not understand that the race pride we all have trumps everything else."
You can’t make this stuff up!
Rogers is the policy director and assistant general counsel for the Texas Legal Foundation, a nonprofit conservative advocacy group. In 1981, he was fired from his job as a busboy to make room for an illegal immigrant. A previous letter from Rogers about the relationship between illegal aliens and mortgage defaults is here
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From: The Shah of Plano
Re: Brenda Walker’s Column: Why Does The Anti-Defamation League Want Jews (And Americans) To Commit Suicide?
I’m a white Christian who was married to a Jewish woman for ten years.
As an insider, it soon became clear to me why Jews make the mistake of siding with minorities.
Most Jews think that whites who criticize our liberal immigration laws must be closet anti-Semites.
That paranoia, which is the message that Norman Finkelstein has been trying to get across for years, runs deeply throughout the Jewish community.
After my divorce, I remarried an Iranian immigrant who came to America twenty years ago.
Like most immigrants, she came here to be part of America — not to be overwhelmed by the people she escaped from.
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From: Chuck Stoner
Re: Leroy Wheat’s Letter: An Iowa Reader Says Diversity Programs Have Made Him A Target Of Harassment
Like VDARE.com letter writer Leroy Wheat, a fellow Iowa resident, I've had my share of bad workplace experiences because I am white.
Employment in multicultural America has become more and more a nightmare for the average Joe and Josephine. What’s happening confirms my suspicions that those complaining the loudest about racial animosity are the same ones who cause it.
At Helena Chemical (e-mail), where I worked briefly as a temporary, I was let go without word of explanation.
Earlier that day during lunch, I scolded a Mexican woman for calling me a "gringo ."
Coincidence? I doubt it.
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