From: [Name Withheld]
Recently, some students that I work with at Southeastern Louisiana University started a conservative paper called The Protectorate.
As a first project, they protested the Southern Poverty Law Center’s Morris Dees. They made phony handbills that at first looked like they were promoting Dees, but actually contained unflattering information.
They also confronted him after a campus event, whereupon Dees told them to "F — off." They got it on tape, unfortunately not very loud though, but if you listen carefully you can hear it at around 24 seconds.
The youtube.com of the incident is here. Another video of Dees is here.
Thanks to VDARE.com and keep up your good work. I'll be in touch with you about our upcoming projects.
The writer is a sophomore at the university
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From: Tim Binh
Re: Kevin MacDonald’s Column: Heidi Does Long Beach; The SPLC Versus Academic Freedom
I am asking all who are concerned about the SPLC to print out our flier and mail it to Heidi Beirich,
Tell her that the Vietnamese For Fair Immigration. is launching an investigation into the SPLC’s support of racism.
Binh is a former president of Vietnamese for Fair Immigration
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From: [Name Withheld]
I read VDARE.com since I agree with most of it. But I have some problems with MacDonald’s article.
MacDonald claims that Jewish activity is best understood as group competitive strategy directed against neighboring peoples.
I don’t understand Jewish liberalism, or Jewish support for non-traditional immigration, but I do see that Jewish interests are harmed — not helped — by this illegal immigration.
The flood of Hispanic immigrants into America leads to more crime, poverty, and trouble for everyone, including Jews.
And in Europe, the flood of Moslem immigrants is anti-Jewish, not pro-Jewish.
My grandfather fought for Germany in WWI. Many Jews fought very bravely for the wrong side (Germany) in this war. Why did they do that if they were out to harm their host society?
At least some of the Jews who I know personally are concerned about Hispanic and Moslem immigration to the US. And all the Jews I know are Zionists.
The writer is a computer programmer.
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From: Mike Johnson [email him]
Re: Joe Guzzardi’s Column: Joe Chides His Republican Immigration Reform Friends and Allies For Having Little Faith
With all due respect to VDARE.com’s Guzzardi, I’m having a hard time "chilling out" — as he recommends — over the recent Democratic takeover of Congress.
I ceased to be a Republican in 2002, when VDARE.com informed me that Jorge Bush had pushed yet another amnesty for illegal aliens through the House on a voice vote. [VDARE.com note: Republican Congressmen tried to push it through on voice vote, but Tom Tancredo stood up forced them to take a recorded vote.]
Still, given only a Hobson’s choice between Republicans and Democrats though, I'll take the Republicans any day.
In the recent election, the immigration plank of the Democratic Party platform called for a "path for undocumented aliens to earn citizenship"
This is Democrat-speak for blanket amnesty. It’s tantamount to extending an invitation to all five billion residents of the third world to come live in America. Need we review the Democratic Party’s record on immigration?
Guzzardi asserts that the Democrats face defeat in 2008 if they issue an amnesty. He makes three tacit assumptions in doing so:
I hope he’s right, but I wouldn’t bet the ranch on it. The combination of a Democratic Congress and a pro-amnesty RINO president is a looming disaster.
Johnson is a software engineer in Houston, Texas. Based on his previous correspondence to VDARE.com, he is not fond of Democrats.
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From: Gaylan Stewart
Before I read Guzzardi’s article chiding those Republicans of little faith, I was feeling quite discouraged.
But he reminded me that things generally have a way of working out in America.
The recent Democratic take over of Congress reminded me of how I felt when Barry Goldwater lost to Lyndon Johnson in 1964.
But you know what, we're still plugging along 42 years later.
Joe Guzzardi comments: The first presidential vote I cast was for Goldwater…and I was very proud of it.
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