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A Former INS Official Says Forget About Obama’s Citizenship — What About His Aiding and Abetting Illegal Alien Aunt?; etc.

From: Federale

Re: Patrick Cleburne’s Blog: Obama’s Aunt: What Did He Know and When Did He Know It?

While a significant percentage of immigration reform patriots are stewing over whether Obama is a natural-born citizen and therefore qualified (or not) to become U.S. president, I prefer to focus on something much more clear-cut.

The Obama campaign claims that the president-elect did nothing to assist his Auntie Zeituni and his uncle in getting tourist visas for the U.S.

However, they came to his Senatorial swearing-in ceremony, obviously their only reason to visit the U.S.

However, few Kenyans get U.S. visas, as it is a horribly poor country and only the elite there have the income and the ties to their homeland that would ensure that they will not remain illegally in the U.S. Obama described his extended family as very poor in his autobiographies so I know none would qualify for a visa.

The surest way his aunt and uncle could, therefore, obtain a visa is through the influence of Obama himself, or through a fellow Senator acting in his stead. Only a call or letter from a powerful senator or the senator-elect himself would have encouraged the U.S. Embassy in Kenya to issue visas to people who obviously would not have returned once their short visit was over.

And how, if not through Obama’s influence, did Auntie Zeituni get a job and an apartment from the Boston Housing Authority if she was an illegal alien?

Subsequently, after Auntie Zeituni’s story became national news, ICE gave orders that no deportations of any alien be done prior to the presidential election without a regional director’s approval.

This was clearly done to protect Obama’s aunt — as in reality, deportations continued without consulting the ICE Regional Director.

It was one of those orders issued when the government wants to protect a specific person or group of persons. All the ICE subordinates know who is supposed to be protected — in this case Auntie Zeituni, and those who are not on the special list of protected parties.

Federale lives in California.

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A Michigan Housewife Says Forget About Obama’s Citizenship — Focus On Immigration

From: Kathy Knechtges

Re: Readers Weigh In On President-Elect Obama’s "Natural Born" Status; Peter Brimelow Replies

Our country is in a dire crisis. We don’t have the time or luxury of debating whether or not Barack Obama is a natural-born citizen. Obama will certainly be sworn in as the next U.S. president.

All of the back and forth about Obama’s status is a waste of time and effort.

Please return to covering the immigration issue that is destroying America.

Knechtges' Independence Day 2008 letter thanking for "saving the nation" is here.

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A New Jersey Reader Says The GOP, Not Democrats, The "Welcoming Party"

From: Jeff Gold

Re: Kevin MacDonald’s Column: Immigration And The Unmentionable Question Of Ethnic Interests

Long ago, I concluded that when the Main Stream Media assert that the Republican Party is odious because it is mostly white, they imply that only white people are welcome in the GOP, and that Republican policies somehow are harmful to and discriminatory against non-white people.

Of course, the reverse is the truth!

The Democratic Party and liberalism are dedicated to demeaning and discriminating against white people; especially white men. Naturally, the members of protected, preferred groups embrace these policies, even as they claim to be anti-racist and inclusive.

The GOP opposes racial discrimination, albeit intermittently and timidly, for that reason deserves everyone’s support.

In short, the Republican Party is mostly white because the overwhelming majority of non-whites are racists who lack the character to refuse preferential treatment.

Most white conservatives would welcome people of any race who behave decently and don’t expect advantages or double standards.

The inborn urge to gravitate toward those of similar appearance is much weaker than to seek out those who embrace civilized values.

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An Alaska Reader Wonders What MSM Thinks of Sarah Palin Now

From: Tom Sullivan

Alaska Governor and former vice-presidential candidate Sarah Palin clearly put Georgia Senator Saxby Chambliss over the top in his December run-off election against Democratic challenger Jim Martin. [Republican Wins Runoff For Georgia Senator, by Robbie Brown and Carl Hulse, New York Times, December 2, 2008]

Can the liberal media deny Palin’s star power now?

Atlanta is about 3,500 miles from Anchorage. Yet Palin drew the big crowds and fired up the Republican base, apparently lethargic during the November general election.

Said Chambliss about Palin:

"I can’t overstate the impact she had down here.

"When she walks in a room, folks just explode. And they really did pack the house everywhere we went. She’s a dynamic lady, a great administrator, and I think she’s got a great future in the Republican Party."

By the way, immigration reform patriots owe a big "thank you" to Palin for preserving Chambliss' seat. With his "A" voting record from NumbersUSA, he’s one of only a handful of Senators we can count on to fend off amnesty.

Sullivan’s previous letter about Palin is here.

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A Nevada Reader Says Joe Guzzardi Forgot About On-Base Percentage In His Baseball Analysis

From: R. Pistol

Re: Joe Guzzardi’s Column: The World Series and Immigration

Guzzardi’s premise is correct about how underrated American baseball players are. The media and ticket sellers promote diversity over quality.

But his analysis of hitters should include on base percentage over the outmoded batting average. Caribbean players are notoriously free swingers who won’t take a walk.

This may add to their power numbers, but hurts their teams.

Joe Guzzardi comments: Pistol’s suggestion aroused my curiosity so I looked up the slugging percentage leaders in the American and National Leagues.

I found that 7 of the top ten junior league sluggers are American-born. One of the three foreign-born, Carlos Pena, grew up in Boston, starred at Northeastern University and the Cape Cod League during the summer of 1997.

And in the National League, 8 of ten are Americans.

I confess that this surprised me. But it provides more evidence — not that any is needed — of American players' superiority when baseball is analyzed from the macro viewpoint.

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