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A Florida Roman Catholic Wants To Form A Resistance Movement To The Hispanic Invasion Of His Church; etc.

From: [Name Withheld]

Do you know of any Roman Catholic groups in the United States that don’t want their parishes to become bilingual?

The Church’s support of illegal immigration because Mexicans are majority-Catholic saddens and angers me, but there must be a Catholic organization against its indefensible position.

My parish is 80 percent white but during Sunday Mass, we are forced to sing a bilingual hymnal published by Oregon Catholic Press (e-mail) that has about 30 Spanish hymns in it. I was baptized and confirmed at my church, and I was born in the city where it’s located. Now I'm a stranger.

The Church quotes various Biblical passages that trying to make me feel that I'm not a true Christian if oppose illegal immigration. I'm more offended by the Spanish language than I am the people who speak it. I don’t want a Mass or hymns in any language other than English.

Any suggestions? I've composed so many e-mails in my head to the organist, pastor, and cantor, but I know that I'll get nowhere without other people behind me. I'll ask some of the congregants, but it would be nice if I knew that I had an organization on my side.

Roman Catholic VDARE.COM contributor John Zmirak comments: Interesting! The answer, of course, is to return to Latin (rather than Latino).

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A California Reader Has A Nasty Run In With The National Immigration Law Center

From: Matthew Kincaide:

A few years ago I had a temporary job at the National Senior Citizens Law Center, which shares a suite of offices with the National Immigration Law Center in Los Angeles.

One morning a reporter and cameraman from a Spanish language TV station were interviewing a woman lawyer at the National Immigration Law Center. That afternoon I heard a knock at the door. It was the reporter from the Spanish language TV station who wanted back into the office.

I let the reporter and the cameraman in and thought nothing of it. The next thing I knew, the female lawyer who had been interviewed, screamed at me: "Did you let those people with cameras in? We don’t just let people with cameras in! Who do you work for?"

A few hours later the director of the National Senior Citizens Law Center informed me that my assignment was over. For letting "people with cameras in", I was fired.

I thought it was pretty flimsy. If I had been an illegal immigrant my assignment would not have been terminated, and the lawyers would have acted with tact and fairness.

I thought the purpose of the National Immigration Law Center was to encourage justice for all. It might be interested in justice for illegal aliens but not for U.S. citizens.

Interestingly, I had had several temp assignments for the National Immigration Law Center before. In fact, after one long-term assignment, the office manager told me that the NILC would have offered me a job as a legal secretary — if I had spoken Spanish.

When, may I ask, will the immigrants learn English?

Kincaide, who describes himself as an "avid" VDARE.COM reader, notes the irony of the NILC receiving federal funds and then using those funds to turn around and sue the federal government.

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A New Jersey Reader Thinks Connecticut Senator Joseph Lieberman’s Immigration Stance Will Hurt Him In The Primary

From: [Name Withheld]

Re: Joe Guzzardi’s Column: On August 8th, All Eyes On Connecticut

If Democrat Lieberman’s immigration views were as well known as his views on the war, his third party Independent candidacy, if he loses the August 8th primary, would be futile.

And if Lieberman were to win the primary against challenger Ned Lamont, a Republican opponent supporting the House’s immigration position on have a chance at unseating him. Lamont is missing the boat on immigration.

If Lamont supported enforcement instead of amnesty, it would probably clinch his upset over Lieberman in the primary.

But I guess open borders are like a religious principle: some politicians would rather lose elections than violate it.

Name Withheld describes himself as "old enough to remember when President Dwight D. Eisenhower cared about America’s law and served all the people and when a man with an ordinary job could provide a decent life for his family without his wife having to work outside the home."

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A California Reader Is Watching Lieberman Too…And Senator Barbara Boxer

From: [Name Withheld]

I don’t know if you noticed U.S. Senator Barbara Boxer (D-CA) campaigning for fellow Democrat and Connecticut Senator Joseph Lieberman. But knowing that Boxer is and always has been against Iraq since the war’s start, I called up both her Los Angeles and District of Columbia offices to ask why she supports Lieberman against primary challenger Ned Lamont, an anti-war candidate who should be more to Boxer’s liking.

The staffers, of course, had no response.

Joe Guzzardi notes: Boxer and Lieberman are certainly in lock step on immigration, however, as the two have compiled miserable voting records on the national question.

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