101 Ways To Celebrate A Christian Christmas
By Joe Guzzardi
As VDARE.com prepares to launch its ninth annual War Against Christmas Competition, readers who share our concern about the national trend to abolish the holiest of days might will want to know where to go to find reassurance that Christianity still thrives at Christmastime.
I recommend a wonderful book by Brenda J. Verner titled 101 Ways To Have A Christian Christmas available at Amazon.Com and from the publisher, Tyndale House.
Verner’s book will resonate with VDARE.com readers. Each of the six chapters–”Your Home,” “Your Family,” “Your Neighborhood,” “Your Town,” “Your Church,” and “Christian Christmas Activism” offer practical advice for celebrating a true Christian Christmas.
In the sixth chapter Verner, who is also known as the Christian Christmas Lady, gives the correct terms for today’s politically correct lingo.
In her author’s note, Verner writes that she “never encountered anyone who openly voiced opposition to the lordship of Jesus Christ until she went away to college –first to Ithaca College and then to Harvard University.” Despite the pressure put on her during her student years to reject her faith in Jesus and become more “progressive,” Verner resisted and has taken her Christmas message to the world in her book.
Verner, who you can contact directly at her e-mail here, sends this message to VDARE.com readers:
I am Brenda Verner, the Christian Christmas Lady. I am the author of the book “101 Ways To Have A Christian Christmas.” As we begin this 2007 season of Advent, most Christians are aware that not only the celebration of Christmas, but also our very Christian culture is experiencing relentless assaults by secularists, with the intent of diminishing the open practice of Christianity in the United States. Over the course of the past fifty years, organized consistent campaigns to de-Christianize the marketplace and the public square, particularly the celebration of Christmas, have been relatively successful at dampening exuberant public displays of worship of Jesus Christ. Presently, the American Christmas shopper is in the grip of merchants who demand to present a secularized Christless Christmas. This should be considered no small issue.The introduction of new language generally precedes an act or a series of acts. In this case secularists decided to use “Xmas”– the literal removal of the name of Christ from the word Christmas. Over decades of acclimation, the public eye has adjusted to not seeing “Christ” in Christmas.
The use of “Xmas” and the banning of Nativities, combined with the relentless promotion of Santa Claus, has established acceptance of the overall celebration of Christmas without Christ. They, the merchants, have over time switched the focus of the celebration from the birth of Baby Jesus to Santa Claus, the master seller of toys; the one who steals the hearts of children with free gifts.
Presently, many millions of Americans officially open the Christmas Season by viewing televised parades. On a day that is set aside to thank the Lord for His blessings bestowed upon this nation, the majority Christian population begins their holy season by watching elaborate displays that ban the visual image of, and outlaws the name of Jesus. These local and nationally televised parades are masterful orchestrations in deception. The events are called, “The Thanksgiving Day Parade” which excludes all official references to Christ and/or Christmas.
Yet, they have waylaid the image of Christmas–Christmas trees, ornaments, gift packages, holly, mistletoe, Christmas cookies, etc. Their goal is to notify prospective consumers that “Santa Claus Is Coming To Town”. Santa, the champion of conspicuous consumption; the super salesman of toys, clothing, jewelry and appliances; the deft manipulator of parents through their children. Santa, the emblem of the Christless Christmas.
Fully aware that Christmas has been hijacked, Christians have expressed a desire to “Put Christ Back In Christmas” because “Jesus Is The Reason For The Season”, or by saying “Happy Birthday Jesus.” Exasperated believers are attempting to resist the secular onslaught. What we want is a Christian Christmas, as opposed to the Christless counterfeit Christmas that is now being foisted upon them.
Secular forces in the academy, media, show business and government have worked arduously to denounce, decry, and erase our nation’s Christian heritage; to stifle Christian expression in the public square and to make the Christian “suspect”, with the aim to blunt Christian influence.
In order to defend our legitimate culture, we must codify our national rituals as central to our way of life — our Christian Way of Life. There is no other national ritual more unifying than Christmas. With 96 percent of Americans celebrating Christmas, it is the most popular of all American holidays.
The concept of Christian Christmas demands the conscious recognition that we have been seduced into observing an irreverent Christmas–a Christless Christmas. Christian Christmas immediately becomes the obvious corrective practice. Christian Christmas indicts all other presentations of Christmas and renders them counterfeit.
For what else should Christmas be, other than Christian? Christian Christmas empowers believers to practice their faith unashamedly, without hesitation in the public square and in the market place. It gives definitive authority to the Christian way, the protector of our Christian heritage. It not only highlights the recognition of the worship of Jesus Christ, it gives the celebration of Jesus' birth preeminence over all other “holiday” distractions.
The culturally redeeming aspect regarding this concept is that all who self-identify as Christian can express their own unique presentation of Christian Christmas — as individuals, organized groups, and as institutions. I, the Christian Christmas Lady have provided creative, doable ideas in my book, “101 Ways To Have A Christian Christmas,” that can be utilized to unify Americans of all denominations in our reverent, heartfelt observance of December Advent — the national celebration of Christian Christmas.
We can present ourselves, “One Nation, Under God”, while wishing everyone in our world a very “Merry Christmas!”