14 Farm Workers Arrested For Gang Rape In Florida … Are They Illegal Aliens?

By Bryanna Bevens


The Collier County Sheriff’s Department arrested several men in Immokalee, Florida for the alleged gang rape of an 18 year-old girl.

She was dragged from her home at 4 o’clock in the morning on October 1, and fourteen local farm laborers allegedly took turns beating and raping her before tossing her out on the street.

Thirteen are foreign nationals from Guatemala and Mexico. One is from Puerto Rico.

Sheriff’s arrest report [here]

The Mainstream Media has so far ignored this story and the few smaller publications that picked up the story neglect to mention the immigration status of those arrested.

So I called the Collier County Sheriff’s Department and asked the Duty Officer is she could verify their immigration status for me.

She told me that she didn’t know.

When I asked her if she could look into it she informed me that I would have to “contact the INS for that information” because “that is a matter between you and the INS.”

Here are the thugs:

Rolando Claudio

Rolando Perez Claudio W/M/23

Ovidio Lopez Funez W/M/19
Ovidio Lopez Funez W/M/19 Gabino Garcia Godinez W/M/24<br />

Gabino Garcia Godinez W/M/24

Augusto Perez Lopez W/M/32
Augusto Perez Lopez W/M/32 Cesar Perez Lopez W/M/29
Cesar Perez Lopez W/M/29 Napoleon Perez Lopez W/M/29
Napoleon Perez Lopez W/M/29 Alvarado Perez Luis W/M/21
Alvarado Perez Luis W/M/21 Mario Lopez Luis W/M/19
Mario Lopez Luis W/M/19 Rene Perez Garcia W/M/22
Rene Perez Garcia W/M/22 Edwin Rivera W/M/28
Edwin Rivera W/M/28 Ermitanio Lopez Salas W/M/18
Ermitanio Lopez Salas W/M/18 Herman Sanchez Salas W/M/28
Herman Sanchez Salas W/M/28 Isreal Santiago W/M/56
Isreal Santiago W/M/56 Augusto Garcia Velasquez W/M/30
Augusto Garcia Velasquez W/M/30

Just in case you didn’t notice the statistical anomaly, these Mexican and Guatemalan nationals, et cetera, are listed as “W” or white for ethnicity.

You’ll have to check with the Collier County Sheriff’s Department [email] about that little glitch.

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