
25th Anniversary Of The El Monte Thai Immigrant Slave Case — Caused By Mass Immigration

By Federale


Slavery is a widespread and common institution, not just in Africa, but in India and Pakistan, usually based there on caste or approximations for caste, and, yes, Muslims have a caste system as well. Nor is low wage exploitative labor uncommon; China, Vietnam, Thailand, India, Bangladesh, and all of Africa are all locations where both local employers and the totalitarians in Big Tech gain by paying extremely low wages. It is the way of the world. The West proscribes such conditions of labor; laws prevent and punish slavery, other laws regulate the pay and conditions of labor based generally based on safety, worker health, and an attempt to ameliorate the exploitation of those of low intelligence and ability. It is generally a white thing to do, banning slavery and regulating wages and working conditions to help the unfortunate.

However, in the West, and the United States in particular, slavery and labor exploitation is still a problem, a minor problem with slavery, but a major problem with labor exploitation. But that problem is not related mainly to White exploiters, but to the current immigration system and by system the illegal immigration problem is included in that, mostly because most illegal immigration, at least once the illegals have arrived, is still tolerated. Remember, ICE SVU is doing nothing about illegal aliens working and living in the United States. And it is a problem with non-Whites, as both the victim and the perpetrator.

This issue is important today because this last August 2 was the 25th anniversary of one of the most flagrant examples of immigration, the El Monte Thai slave case discovered in 1995. As usual, though, this minor problem with modern slavery was exploited by the Open Borders radicals not to restrict immigration and deport those involved both as perpetrators and victims, but to create a new avenue of immigration to the United States, crime victims and human smuggling victims.

The end result was an unusual and very rare case of slavery. Usually such cases of slavery are some Third World immigrant bringing in a domestic servant who is then kept as a slave. The El Monte case was where dozens of illegal aliens were held to produce for the garment industry. Interestingly, the facility was a run-down apartment complex where the victims were kept 10 or so to an apartment, which is not dissimilar to Google, Facebook, Twitter, and other Big Tech companies keeping their H-1B indentured servants 10 to an apartment in upscale complexes in the Silicon Valley, though there is no barbed wire around those apartment buildings.

But instead of prosecuting the perpetrators and deporting the slaves, the end result now is that being a slave, or, more importantly, claiming to be held as a slave, or being the victim of a minimum wage violation, is now a ticket to legal permanent residence. The result of this case was the T and U non-immigrant visas that lead to legal permanent residence for all those claiming to have been trafficked for slavery or the victim of slavery, or any other crime. That is its own little dishonesty, as why were non-immigrant visas created if the intent of those visas was to immigrate permanently? Because the intent was to fool the American people and open up new avenues of immigration to replace the historic American nation.

While it is sad that those poor Thai women were exploited, they were as much involved in that exploitation as their employers. Illegal employment has two sides, the illegal alien employee and the employer. Both know they are breaking the law, both know there are consequences, and both freely participate in the system. No one was kidnapped and brought to America against their will. The deal might not be as what they thought, or what they claimed in an effort to minimize their participation in the criminal conspiracy to violate American immigration laws, but that is their problem, not that of the American people. One cannot be rewarded for one’s criminal action. There may be criminal prosecution of the employers, but no participant in the scheme should be rewarded, not only with legal residence in the United States, but a life-time on welfare as well.

This is a sad anniversary, not because of barbed wire and poor illegal aliens, but only for the United States and the Historic American Nation.

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