29 Year Old Grandmother No Loretta Lynn
This story about a 15-year old welfare mother, whose own mother is 29, [The Education Wonks: Babies Having Babies: Now A Generational Problem] reminded me that Queen of Country Music Loretta Lynn was famously a grandmother at 29 herself. But you and I didn’t have to pay for that.
The difference is that Loretta was married at 14, so she and her husband were responsible for the expenses involved. Her daughter was also married when she had two little girls. This story’s looking different. For one thing, unlike Loretta, the now 16-year old mother is not planning to be a successful songwriter and singer.
"Celia writes rap songs in her spare time, but she does not foresee making a living by doing that. " I want to do computers,"she said, or maybe health occupations. "[Teen pregnancies in Q-C region: Baby starts new role for teenage mom, Quad-City Times, December 2, 2007]
Another difference — instead of signing a permission slip to allow her daughter to marry at 16, as Loretta did, and Loretta’s own father back in Butcher Hollow, Kentucky did, Celia’s mother signed a permission slip allowing her to get a tattoo.(With her rap name on it.)