
33% Of Black Men In 2010 Had A Felony Record

By Steve Sailer



Fortunately, 2010’s 33.0% was down from 2000’s 36.7% at the end of the Crack Era.

I wonder what has happened since? In the mid-2010s, The Establishment decided to be nicer to black criminals, which would drive down the felony percentage. Unfortunately, black criminals, judging by the ~40% rise in murders in the years since Ferguson, started acting up more, which would drive up the felony percentage.

This is from Demography:

The Growth, Scope, and Spatial Distribution of People With Felony Records in the United States, 1948–2010

Sarah K. S. Shannon 1 & Christopher Uggen 2 & Jason Schnittker 3 & Melissa Thompson 4 & Sara Wakefield 5 & Michael Massoglia 6 Published online: 11 September 2017

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