55% Of Floridians Say They Want An Arizona-Style Enforcement Law — The Other 45% Say No Mas?
A poll in Florida says that a lot of people are fed up with illegal immigration.
When asked "would you want Florida to pass a law similar to Arizona’s new immigration law, or not", 55 percent said yes, while 34 answered no. The highest percentage of those saying yes lived in southwest Florida. The split along party lines was also clear.[NEW: poll shows Floridians split on immigration issues — WDBO Local News on wdbo.com]
The Quinnipiac poll in question divides up the polling data by sex, political party, and religion, but not by ethnicity:
June 10, 2010 — Scott Tops Mccollum In Florida GOP Gov Race, Quinnipiac University Poll Finds; Dem Senate Primary Race Too Close To Call
I'd be interested to know how many of the 45% who don’t approve are Hispanic.