600,000+ Applicants Expected in Los Angeles for Section 8 Voucher Lottery: Only 3% Will Even Be Placed on Waiting List …

By Paul Kersey


Before we get to the sordid details of extreme poverty in Los Angeles and your tax-dollars going to help in its proliferation, a quick excerpt from Starship Troopers. (The book, not the movie.)

It’s quite apropos for the conversation of Section 8 Vouchers, growth in the non-white population of Los Angeles/California, and white taxpayers subsidizing their own dispossession:

The future of Los Angeles as depicted in Elysium: a hellish 3rd world landscape far more dystopian than already found in the city …

Robert A. Heinlein wrote, in the 1959 novel, that:

Briefly, thus: All wars arise from population pressure. (Yes, even the Crusades, though you have to dig into trade routes and birth rate and several other things to prove it.) Morals — all correct moral rules derive from the instinct to survive; moral behavior is survival behavior above the individual level — as in a father who dies to save his children. But since population pressure results from the process of surviving through others, then war, because it results from population pressure, derives from the same inherited instinct which produces all moral rules suitable for human beings.

Check of proof: Is it possible to abolish war by relieving population pressure (and thus do away with the all-too evident evils of war) through constructing a moral code under which population is limited to resources?

Without debating the usefulness or morality of planned parenthood, it may be verified by observation that any breed which stops its own increase gets crowded out by breeds which expand. Some human populations did so, in Terran history, and other breeds moved in and engulfed them.

Nevertheless, let’s assume that the human race manages to balance birth and death, just right to fit its own planets, and thereby becomes peaceful. What happens?

Soon (about next Wednesday) the Bugs move in, kill off this breed which "ain’ta gonna study war no more" and the universe forgets us. Which still may happen. Either we spread and wipe out the Bugs, or they spread and wipe us out — because both races are tough and smart and want the same real estate.

All wars arrive from population pressure?

Well, what’s happening in the United States of America, with the extreme growth redistribution of wealth to help primarily nonwhites through EBT/Snap, welfare, healthcare and housing via Section 8 Vouchers, we might be reaching critical mass.

Example: Los Angeles. It’s been 13 years since Los Angeles opened the waiting list for Section 8 Vouchers, which only gets you placed in the lottery program. Back in 2004, 300,000 people applied.

In 2017, officials anticipate 600,000 applying to be part of the subsidized housing program, with only 20,000 names eventually pulled out in the lottery system to be placed on the waiting list.

Translation: only 3 percent of those 600,000 people applying in Los Angeles for Section 8 Vouchers will even get to the lottery stage. Those 20,000 "Section 8 Voucher lottery winners" will then be waiting a new voucher to come available (roughly 2,400 do each year in L.A.).

Interestingly enough, the city of Los Angeles has 50,000 vouchers, only covering eight percent of those who will be applying for the chance to be part of the lottery system.

We call this a situation defined clearly as "population pressure":

LA prepares for 600,000 applicants to subsidized housing program; only a fraction will get help, SCPR.org, June 5, 2017

In yet another sign of L.A.’s growing poverty and lack of low-income housing, local officials are preparing for a torrent of applications when they open up the wait list for federal housing aid later this year.

The city stopped taking applications for Section 8 housing over a decade ago because there were too many people already waiting for the limited rental assistance vouchers.

Last time L.A.’s waitlist opened, in 2004, about 300,000 people applied. When the process opens for a two-week window this year, officials are expecting at least twice that number. As a result, only a fraction of people who apply will make the cut.

"It’s like a perfect storm," said Carlos VanNatter, director of the Section 8 program at the Housing Authority of the City of Los Angeles. "We have a ton of people who are eligible income-wise and need the assistance, but we don’t have that much assistance to give."

Section 8 vouchers typically require the user to pay 30 percent of their income towards rent, with the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development paying the rest. To qualify, a family or a person must receive very little income — a maximum of $45,050 for family of four, for instance.

At least 800,000 people in Los Angeles meet the income requirements for Section 8, VanNatter said.

The problem is not unique to Los Angeles. High demand for vouchers has led to some disasters when wait lists opened up elsewhere in the United States. In 2010, in East Point, Georgia, about 30,000 people reportedly showed up at the housing authority the day the waitlist there opened, leading to crowd control issues. Last year, in Portsmouth, Virginia, officials had to cancel an in-person application event after thousands lined up and some suffered from heat exposure.

Even taking the application process online, which L.A. plans to do this year, is not a guarantee things will go smoothly. When Santa Ana opened its wait list in 2015, the surge in web traffic crashed the server.

"We broke the internet," Judson Brown, operations supervisor at the Santa Ana Housing Authority told KPCC at the time.

VanNatter said L.A. is in the process of finding a contractor who can handle the expected online traffic and connect with people who may be eligible for Section 8 — particularly non-English speakers and senior citizens who may need help with an online application.

But even those who apply have a small chance of getting help. The contractor will pull names at random in a lottery to determine which of the applicants get on the wait list. Officials said they expect to pull about 20,000 names, but haven’t settled on a number.

"Just to be realistic to ourselves and applicants, we're not going to have a waitlist of 600,000 people," VanNatter said.

The city has a stock of about 50,000 vouchers, of which about 2,400 become newly eligible during any given year as people leave the program. Nearly half those are set aside to house homeless in permanent supportive housing developments.

There is no example from recorded human history of a people willingly being taxed to see their posterity’s future be sacrificed to help an alien people thrive in the present; the latter’s high fecundity rates breeding out the racial group subsidizing this alien population via welfare, healthcare, EBT/Snap, and Section 8 Vouchers.

Remember: "All wars arise from population pressure."

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