82% Of Top 100 Liberals Are White And 81% Male

By Steve Sailer


A point I've made repeatedly is that at the upper reaches of American life, status competition is overwhelmingly a white vs. white struggle, with nonwhites playing largely token roles. For example, 99% of Fortune 500 CEOs and 94% of studio movie screenwriters are white (and typically male).

Audacious Epigone documents this for politics by figuring out the demographics of the London Daily Telegraph's list of the 100 most influential American liberals and 100 most influential American conservatives. Who’s on the list and in what order they appear is arguable (that’s one purpose of these lists — to generate arguments).

But these kind of lists are very useful for advancing demographic understanding because they typically are developed for other purposes than to advocate a particularly point about demography. They don’t have to be all that accurate to give a reasonable picture of elite demographics.

So, what we find is that whites and males still dominate on both sides of the ideological divide:

Attribute Liberal Conservative
Average Age 58 years, 7 months Just under 58 years
Male 81% 93%
Female 19% 7%
Outed homosexual 3% 2%^
Protestant 43% 44%
Catholic 27% 29%
Mormon 1% 3%
Orthodox 3%* 0%
Buddhist 1%** 0%
Openly atheist 3% 1%
White 82.5% 94%
Black 14.5% 3%
Hispanic 3% 1%^^
Asian 0% 2%

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