Confederate flags at a St. Patrick’s Day parade in Roanoake, Virginia
Basically, I haven’t changed my mind on anything since the age of four. But Ireland is an exception.
As boy growing up in a depressed industrial town in the North of England (then 100% white but I learn to my utter amazement now enriched by vibrant Muslim gangs), I was taught as a matter of dogma that Britain’s efforts to hold on to Ireland were Evil.
Of course, this was all part of an overall proto-PC narrative that the British Empire, then being liquidated with amazing speed, was also Evil.
Needless to say, I inclined viscerally to the exact opposite view. I decided that Arthur Balfour’s policy of “Coercion” was justified. (And, in fact, I still don’t see how it was any more unjustified than the enthusiasm of Connecticut farm boys, among whose descendants I now live, to coerce the South to remain in the American Union.)
But living in Canada (and, no doubt, marrying 1, 2, Irish Catholic wives) changed my mind. I now think that the surge tank of federalism can palliate, if not ultimately contain, sectional differences — and that in fact Ireland would have been accommodated by the Home Rule legislation then on the statute books, but for the appalling, epochal, world-shattering disaster of the First World War.
Which brings me to St. Patrick’s Day.
I guess that, as a British American, I could be offended offended OFFENDED OFFENDED,
by the Irish Republic’s Tricolor flying over the parades, and especially by the banners claiming some sort of imperial suzerainty over the Protestant Scotch-Irish of Ulster — which I must regard as part of my native land.
I know this happens — because my young Irish American wife makes me attend. (And no, I don’t raise this point with her.)
If I wished to put this into contemporary American discourse, I would point out that Irish Republican intransigence denied bases to the Allies that would have been of great value in the Battle of the Atlantic — against Nazi Germany.
But in fact I accept the Irish Tricolor — as the price of belonging to the American team.
And, indeed, VDARE.com has many Irish American nationalist readers — because we deal with issues that are vital to them.
My St. Patrick’s Day point: ultimately, all Americans are going to have to accept the Confederate Battle Flag — which of course, until very recently was not seen as objectionable at all.
It’s simply the emblem of the white Southern component of the American nation.
You got a problem with that?
Here’s VDARE.com’s James Fulford on our earlier celebrations of St. Patrick’s Day.