A New Problem: Not Enough Male Medical Students
While researching my new Taki’s Magazine column on how the Biden Administration is pushing to preserve affirmative action in medical school applications by putting a thumb on the scale for applicants who “[failed to] overcome adversity,” I found a new trend that I hadn’t heard about before: a sudden drop in male medical students over about the last seven years.
What’s going on? Are medical schools now biased against men applicants?
It looks like there might have been some modest discrimination against men applicants during the early years of the Great Awokening. But mostly it looks like men stopped applying as much as women to medical school:
It’s hard to say why. Are young men less ambitious? Young women more so? COVID? Smart men opting out of medical school for tech?
The problem with having fewer men doctors is that men tend to work harder at doctoring, whereas lots of female doctors downshift their careers when they marry (often to a male doctor) and have kids. (Alternatively, they won’t have kids, which is a shame, since they are high human capital.)
The American Medical Association maintains a cartel to keep doctors’ salaries very high by limiting supply by its ability to not accredit medical schools. So having another reason the supply of doctor labor goes down — more women than men at med school — will just make medical care even more expensive and make it harder to get an appointment soon when you are ill.