"A Proposal That Prompted Cries Of Racism From Critics … "
This is typical:
Tancredo proposes law that would require immigration-status checks of new hires By Lynn Bartels The Denver Post December 5, 2009Former U.S. Rep. Tom Tancredo wants every Colorado business to verify that new hires are U.S. citizens, a proposal that prompted cries of racism from critics.
Tancredo filed a ballot proposal Friday that would force the 2011 Colorado legislature to pass a law requiring businesses to use a federal program to check the immigration status of all newly hired workers.[More]
Notice that in order to avoid any possible discrimination against Hispanic American citizens, Tancredo is suggesting that every new hire prove he’s legally entitlement to work in America, which will undoubtedly prove a nuisance to many actual American, including Mayflower descendants whom no one could mistake for a foreigner, and African-Americans whose ancestors have been in America almost as long, but asking all Americans to prove that they are American is "racism."
As for the people who are calling him racist, one of them is "fifth-generation Coloradan" and Hispanic identity politician Edward Casso, who seems to be less assimilated than Tom Tancredo, whose parents came from Italy.