Abolishing DACA: Is It POSSIBLE Trump Knows What He’s Doing? (2)
Recently I wrote DACA Litigation Shoe Dropping? Is It POSSIBLE Trump Knows What He’s Doing?, arguing that Trump’s much-criticized failure to rescind the Obama Regime’s clearly unconstitutional DACA [Deferred Action For Childhood Arrivals] Administrative Amnesty might possibly because he was counting on the courts to do the job for him, a technique pioneered by the Obama Regime with its sabotage of the Defense of Marriage Act.
Now there’s more evidence: Top Trump official warns special immigration status may end soon for a million people, by Franco Ordonez, Miami Herald, July 12 2017:
WASHINGTON — President Donald Trump’s top immigration official warned Hispanic members of Congress Wednesday that over a million people living in the United States under a special protected status could soon be placed in line for deportation.Homeland Security Secretary John Kelly told members of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus that the fate of deferred action program known as DACA — Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals — will likely be determined by the courts, perhaps as soon as September, and that attorneys he’s consulted with do not think the program is legally sustainable. [Emphases added]
General Kelly confirmed VDARE.com’s impression that he’s a problem, but he also confirmed our view of what’s happening:
Kelly said he personally supports the DACA program and would not rescind the program, but that he didn’t expect the administration to defend it in a court challenge
It’s not heroic, but it will work.