ADL Loughner Analysis Revealing — About ADL As Well

By Patrick Cleburne


America’s Political Police in training, the vigilante group calling itself the Anti-Defamation League, has put out an 1,800-word study of Jared Loughner’s internet presence: The Mindset of Jared Lee Loughner.

While the accompanying Press Release was dishonestly headlined Arizona Shooter’s Online Footprint Shows Distrust Of Government, Interest In Conspiracy Theories, enabling the ADL to lend support to the MSM dogma that the Giffords shooting involved the political Right, the content of the study destroys this contention.

(Since the ADL analyst never says Loughner ever once mentioned Jews, this reduces the status of those who claimed to see anti-Semitism in his crime to that of mendacious liars.)

… Some viewers have interpreted these remarks as being potentially anti-immigrant in nature, suggesting that Loughner referred to Hispanic immigrants when he mentioned illiterate people. However … Loughner repeatedly calls people illiterate, including whites … when he sent a link to one of his YouTube videos to all of his Myspace "friends" … he introduced the link by saying "Hello, I know you're illiterate!" In a "goodbye" message he posted on Myspace in January 2011, he stated that "The literacy rate is below 5%,,,
"Near the end of one of his videos, entitled "My Final Thoughts," Loughner briefly proclaimed "No! I won’t pay debt with a currency that’s not backed by gold and silver!"
This is clearly a reference to a concept prevalent in the anti-government and right-wing "Patriot" movement that only gold and silver, not paper money, is valid currency. However, neither in this video nor elsewhere does Loughner elaborate on this statement, or even where he might have learned of the concept."

The ADL essay thoroughly documents Loughner as a deranged man of no political significance. It must have taken enormous time. What resources they have!

Unfortunately for those of us who inhabit the blogosphere, it seems the ADL has something else too. In the Introduction, the author calmly asserts appears that Loughner, using the screen name Erad3, posted writings on the conspiracy-oriented Web site "Above Top Secret." These postings provide more illumination about Loughner’s probable mindset in recent months.

and confidently proceeds to incorporate analysis of these postings into the essay. How did they find that out? Did Above Top Secret or its webhost volunteer this confidential information? Does the ADL have software to crack pseudonyms?

Can any computer literate shed light on this question?

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