After A Half Century Of Feminism, Are Women Happy?
By Steve Sailer
Commenter TheBoom responds to commenter Bomag:
You can’t win.
Actually, you can but you need to live in a less responsible society to win. In responsible societies men, look after women which translates into trying to be fair and nice. Women manipulate responsible men’s desire to be fair into unfair advantages for women which you especially see in divorce laws and sexual harassment policies. This gives women power over men and causes them to lose respect for men then shit test men constantly. Nice men usually fail shit tests which causes women to want to import a new crop of men.
In irresponsible societies men usually have mistresses and or multiple wives. Irresponsible men don’t give women special privileges in divorce, hiring or childcare which gives men more power and women more respect for men.
Women may want a responsible man who makes them submit but prefer an irresponsible strong man to a weak and responsible man. Big world out there.
It’s interesting that the current wave of feminism is now 49 years old, which would seem long enough to test whether it is likely ever to make the majority of women happy. But the conventional wisdom is merely that feminism can’t possibly fail, all the evidence that it has just proves it hasn’t been tried good and hard enough.