
Agents In Laredo Border Patrol Sector Get Active In Anticipation Of Title 42 Ending

By Former Agent


I talked to a former Border Patrol Agent I hadn’t spoken with in some time a few days ago. He was telling me that while places like the Rio Grande Valley (RGV) Sector are being overrun by the fake asylees, Sectors like Laredo have not been getting the same amount of Other Than Mexicans (OTMs). In anticipation of Title 42 ending and a new wave of both Mexicans and OTMs invading the border, the Laredo Border Patrol Agents have been trying to hit every stash house they can.

It’s refreshing to hear that in the face of an administration that is totally against the raison d'ĂȘtre of the Border Patrol, at least one BP Sector is defying the higher ups and trying to get the job done as best they can before they cannot do it anymore.

Here are a couple of news releases from the Laredo Sector:

Many of the border communities along the Rio Grande River are about 99% Hispanic. I’m told that if you were to blindfold a regular (white) American from the Midwest and drop him off in the middle of Laredo while lifting the blindfold that he would be positive he'd been dumped in Mexico.

Years ago, there had been a shooting where Border Patrol Agents in a sensor truck (unmarked truck that serviced the seismic sensors) had driven into a barrio in Laredo and the truck was shot up. Between the Border Patrol, local Laredo Police and the ATF, they were able to identify the Cholos (gangbangers) who did the shooting. The gang members were adamant that they did not know the vehicle was a Border Patrol vehicle. They just assumed it belonged to a rival gang and shot it up on general principles.

It’s a bit of a mystery as to why Laredo is not getting the same influx of OTMs as some other areas. It was explained to me that the shortest trek from Mexico City to the United States is to hug the shore of the Gulf of Mexico and get to places like Brownsville, Texas. However, that does not explain why so many of the asylees wind up going to El Paso or over to California.

Part of the reason Laredo might not get as many is because of the Zetas Cartel, as opposed to the Gulf Cartel. One of the stash houses recently raided in Laredo had around 2,200 pounds of marijuana in the house, which leaves no doubt that the drug cartels have branched out into alien smuggling.

Again, it’s always amusing that do-gooder NGOs of the Catholic Charities variety have no problem allying themselves with a bunch of murderers if it advances their goal of destroying the U.S. border. Everyone should have a right to the Magic Dirt that is the United States.

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