More than a dozen years ago, Libya’s Colonel Qaddaffii prophetically pointed out that America didn’t belong to Americans anymore, it belonged to the whole world:
All the people all over the world had made America and it shall accordingly be for all of us.Now, according to the Daily Mail, another statesman of similar caliber is forcefully expressing this new conventional wisdom:
‘The contemporary US belongs to all nations’: Former Iranian president targets Trump’s travel ban and says the American political system is ‘corrupt’ in open letter to the presidentPUBLISHED: 05:03 EST, 26 February 2017
… Iran’s former hard-line President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad sent a letter Sunday to President Donald Trump, striking a somewhat conciliatory tone while applauding immigration to America and saying it shows ‘the contemporary U.S. belongs to all nations.’ …
He also acknowledged the some 1 million people of Iranian descent living in America, saying that U.S. policies should ‘value respect toward the diversity of nations and races.’
‘In other words, the contemporary U.S. belongs to all nations, including the natives of the land,’ he wrote.
‘No one may consider themselves the owner and view others as guests or immigrants.’
Col. Kaffaffee and Ahmadinejad allowed to ring out in this land.
Only then will the Statue of Liberty stop crying.
Indeed Gathathi and Ahmadinejad are the true American patriots of the 21st Century. Perhaps someday they will have their faces carved on Mount Rushmore over the outmoded visages of slaveowners Washington and Jefferson.