Alabama Crackdown Opens Up Jobs For Americans — Treason Lobby In Denial

By Federale


The cost of an immigration crackdown is….lower unemployment rates. The Alabama crackdown on illegal aliens is opening up jobs for Americans. by Roy Williams January 25, 2012

Alabama’s December Unemployment Rate Decline Best In U.S.

BIRMINGHAM, Alabama — Alabama’s unemployment rate declined more rapidly than any other state’s in December, providing more evidence that the Alabama economy is rebounding, experts said.

Alabama’s jobless rate fell from 8.7 percent in November to 8.1 percent last month, a drop of 0.6 percentage points, the biggest decline among the states, according to a report Tuesday from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.

However communist academics are ignoring actual evidence and claiming that the crackdown will cost Alabama $10 billion.

Reuters by Verna Gates February 1, 2012

Alabama Immigration Crackdown Costing State Billions: Study

BIRMINGHAM, Alabama (Reuters) — Alabama’s crackdown on illegal immigrants, widely seen as the toughest in the United States, could cost the state’s economy up to $10.8 billion, according to a new study.The Alabama law, passed in June, requires police to detain people they suspect of being in the U.S. illegally if they cannot produce proper documentation when stopped for any reason, among other measures.

The cost-benefit analysis by University of Alabama economist Samuel Addy

The lost jobs would cost Alabama up to $264.5 million in lost state sales and income taxes, and as much as $93.1 million in lost city and county sales taxes, it found.

At the low end of the range, Addy found the crackdown could cost Alabama’s economy $2.3 billion.

Unemployment is going down as Americans replace illegal aliens. Yet Comrade Addy is making wild claims that range from $2 billion to $10 billion. That is a wide range, unsupported by any actual evidence. Especially since any lost revenue from illegal aliens is immediately replaced by Americans leaving welfare and unemployment for work. And Americans are more likely to report all income for taxation than are illegals, who mostly work for cash and pay few taxes. The left is desperate. Crackdowns work.

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