Aleksandr Maslov ("California Man") Is Russian From Estonia Convicted In Scheme That Defrauded 119,000 Credit Card Holders
By Linda Thom
A "Sacramento man," Aleksandr Maslov, was finally arrested after committing serious credit card fraud. With a name like that, one knows Maslov is not originally from California but the Main Stream Media does not reveal Maslov’s country of origin. [FBI Fugitive From Sacramento Arrested in Large-Scale Credit Card Fraud Scheme, Fox News 40 (Sacramento), July 19, 2019]
The Federal Bureau of Investigation does. Maslov was born in Estonia. He and his Russian-speaking colleagues in California stole identities and Social Security numbers from San Juan Unified School District in Sacramento and set up an elaborate credit card-fraud scheme. They also used identities from former J-1 visa holders also. (These are the visas that allow foreign students to take summer jobs from American students.)
The Justice Department clearly states the identities of the participants in the scheme which defrauded over 119,000 credit card holders. They are immigrants. Despite that, the press release from the U.S. Attorney’s Office, Eastern District of California, is headed:
Los Angeles Man Found Guilty on All Counts in Nationwide Credit Card Fraud Scheme with Links to Sacramento and Moscow, February 26, 2019.
Who let them in and why? No one is saying.